R10 coming next week..and more....holy fuck


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
R10 coming early next week, like monday (fix Problem with startup.txt.) along with new client patch to implement region setting.

Enough! They really need to stop playing with this shitty builds and fix the fucking thing already. Fucking retarded. Every new build gets even worse.
Noticed how their was over 65000 playing dropped by alot since R8. Hmmm wonder why?

Cause they can't release a proper game and can't make this crap any worse than already is.

And these guys are making fun of infinity ward? Pffft yeah okay, one didn't make dedicated servers while the other can't make them work for the life of them. no difference. I cannot wait for a new game already.
They'll everything so screwed up no one will be able to play.
50$ dude? thats a lot but try 65$ canadian. Game here is 60$. Complete bullshit.
What I want to know is, how they get away with it. If any of us had a company that produced something and then delivered a faulty unfinished product we would not be in business any longer or at least severely hurting.

I'm personally done with the game until it is a COMPLETE working game like what I thought I was paying for.
Just letting you guys know we have the permission to downgrade back to R8 if we like.
In fact im going to try that cause this is mad jokes right now.