r11 patch


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
BF4 server version R11 (91697) has been sent to us and DICE has asked us to deploy it immediately. We're in the process of packaging it up and will be sending it to all servers within approximately 30 minutes.

The easily-determinable public portions of the changelog (which is all we can provide at this time):

- Admins can no longer kick players on Official servers using PunkBuster
- The tickets can be set to up to 400 on Ranked servers (up from 200) and 500 on unranked servers
- The idle timeout can be set up to 86400 (24 hours) on Ranked and Unranked servers
What a welcome site! I'm surprised they did this. Must have been too much backlash.
Now we just need a patch for:
- Clients freezing on Dawnbreaker
- Sound cutting out serverwide on certain maps
- Lack of free bacon.
Nope. Just happens. I'll be walking or driving a vehicle, or in a fire fight.
I'll be on TS or Skype and it will happen to others at the exact same time.
"admins can no longer kick players from official servers using punkbuster" is that our kick method now or is that something completely different?
Official is admin free. Apart from yell or maybe say for messages. Kicking was never intended. Official is Dices answer to admin abuse. Don't like admins but really like hackers? Find someone nice enough to pay for a server they can't control.

We use pb for kicks and in game admin bans.

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