read the small print folks

the key to success and wealth is not even big sales anymore...
In that second link I don't see how they could "fine" the couple $3500 as the merchandise "sold" was never actually delivered. For a sale to take place the customer has to receive some sort of good/service. Otherwise, its just some asshole taking your money.
If you take them to court, retarded bullshit like this usually doesn't hold up. The unfortunate part is the paperwork involved :-D .

I'm not a lawyer, but I've had intro to business law (ftw), and:

? 2-302. Unconscionable contract or Clause. | U.C.C. - Uniform Commercial Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

unconscionable legal definition of unconscionable. unconscionable synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Fine print - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, you depend on the decision of the court, obviously, and it varies from judge to judge what can be deemed "unconscionable," but IMO most people will agree that a $3,500 "fine" for posting a negative review falls in that category easily.
Remember Eula's can only exempt persons from civil liabilities not criminal!