Redid the header Ctrl+F5 if your not seeing it yet and want to.


Mar 6, 2011
Alright so when the site launched I had not yet actually gone and did the header. What we had since day 1 was a slightly adjusted version of the one I proposed on the other site and was using for testing.

Still not done but I think its more appropriately edited for the reduced size now. Added a TV missile off the heli.. needs more ketchup. Still on the lookout for a good zombie or something to hide for the DayZ croud. Star Trek nerds should be on the lookout for a new easter egg I planted.

Old Header:

New Header:
Found your easter egg, must fight urge to divulge...very cool man. I have a question, can you change the color of the twitter button to baby blue and the color of the facebook button to royal blue? The YouTube button is good red.
Found your easter egg, must fight urge to divulge...very cool man. I have a question, can you change the color of the twitter button to baby blue and the color of the facebook button to royal blue? The YouTube button is good red.

Nah they are all going a little more orange and dirty they are meant to replace the orbs that were there. Honestly I would actually fear getting them near the right colors anyways. Facebook and twitter are really strict about using their Icons. If you change the color even a bit you might get a cease and decist. Im not shitting you they hit up plugin developers all the time. With everything being one color we have a tiny bit more of an excuse. which is the route most sites go if not using the straight up official logos.

But either way I am not happy with how they look now they need to be redone, intended to redo them before launch. On the list for the next couple days as well as adding steam.
Found your easter egg, must fight urge to divulge...very cool man. I have a question, can you change the color of the twitter button to baby blue and the color of the facebook button to royal blue? The YouTube button is good red.
