Regarding the TBG All Rush Server


Registered User
Jan 30, 2014
Not sure what changed but the balance system that has been implemented is absolutely broken. It almost always results in one side winning only a single side (attack or defense) every map.

It seems like the balance system changes every week and seems to be score based as of this post.

I guess my point is that score based balance does not appropriately distribute players by skill and leaves all rounds completely one sided. And then because one team on attacking is able to win the round but then lose the round on defense, the server doesn't shuffle players. However there is one instance when score based balance distributes players by skill and that is in bad players. Players who don't play as a team, don't play the objective.You then lose more games until a fresh balance happens and you steam roll in the exact opposite way you just lost.

Yeah I get it [nV] has a reputation of being tough, but we shouldn't have to pick up the baggage of having the majority of the low scoring players because our scores are higher than average players. Then we're up against a team that has the most of the players that aren't worthless and we have to pick up the weight, and you never win because 90% of that team is sitting behind the mcoms in spawn. And like I said earlier, you start losing games so it balances again, you get better players, the other team gets the worthless players that just cost you the games you just lost, and you steamroll them.

There isn't currently a good way of balancing teams. The skill stat is nonsense and the score per round is not an appropriate metric to judge a players skill or balance players. Maybe match the tops quads on each side player wise and then do a random shuffle on the rest. If something like that is even possible.

I'm not asking for easier teams to play against, I'm asking for teams that aren't balanced by score because it doesn't work for rush as scores are easily inflated compared to say conquest. I do not believe that this method of balance is working and would kindly ask y'all to take another look at it.

Y'all don't need to change the server every week. The reason we're (nV) are all regulars is because the rush server was consistent and lately that's not been the case.

Thanks for your time and consideration,
We dont change autobalancer every week. We have only used 2 since bf4 started.

We are using a brand new one for the last 3 weeks and works really great. It moves you after you die and low score. The old one would sometimes move someone while being alive.

Squad scrambler is also new but acts the same way as our old one. In the end nothing really changed but for the better. There is option how to scramble teams keeping squads, it can go by stats, score, points etc..Suggestions?

I would not have a life if I was changing this once a week. Most of the balancers out there are flawed. There would be no point to try out a noitceable flawed plugin.
Ok, there must just be an influx of really "terrible" players and I'm just imagining that it seems to change every week.

You're right, all those plugins are inherently flawed. I realized that writing out my original post.

How does it currently do the scramble?
I think the scrambler determines that I set it to auto but I can adjust based on scores/kdr/points pretty much but I would have to double check
balance is pretty bad not gonna lie puts all lvl 100s in one team and lower lvls in the other this happened multiple times over last few days
Ok, there must just be an influx of really "terrible" players and I'm just imagining that it seems to change every week.

You're right, all those plugins are inherently flawed. I realized that writing out my original post.

How does it currently do the scramble?

Looks like for the rush server it had the old scrambler and new one running at the same time. Probably it was working properly. See how that goes and let me know.

Also keep in mind the scrambler does not work until both 2 rounds are over. I think it wouldnt be right to scramble after one round. Each time must finish defending and attacking once for that map before scrambler kicks in. Basically for that server every new map
Next time I'm on, I'll watch it. And yeah, it shouldn't scramble until a map change.
Whatever it's currently set to is just flat out bad. Any chance we could try it on a different setting (any) than what it is now or just go back to the old balancer?
Don't take this the wrong way but there are always people who prefer one plugin for another.

So you may like the old plugin while someone else may not. Never going to make everyone happy
So I ask please explainhow its bad. What are you talking about scrambler or balancer? Etc..

So far you are the only that conplained since and nobody from tbg has said anything which means it seems be running fine
I run Garry's Mod servers, I understand how annoying it is to have someone tell you your plugins or whatever don't work.

I made an entire post above explaining what's wrong with it but I'll take another stab at it.

Whatever system that is responsible for scrambling the teams or balancing them at the end of a map rotation has changed recently. I asked how it balanced and scrambled and never got a straight answer. What I can tell you is whatever it's currently doing is resulting in consistently stacked teams. One team gets all of the lousy players, one team gets the good players and the rounds are one sided. There is no middle ground and it's even worse than it was before the new balance plugin was added. There's no way to explain what is happening you have to be in game and watching.

The reason no one from TBG has said anything is because no one from TBG plays the rush server. I haven't seen a TBG member on the server this year. I'm ranked 15 and have 22 days logged on that rush server, I'm not just sitting here complaining because of a few bad rounds. I've played this server since release and something changed with the balance and or scrambler recently and it's having such a negative effect that it's starting to push me and my friends away. I donated and everything; I'm completely invested in TBG and that rush server, and I'm trying to communicate that something is off. Play 5 map rotations and you'll see for yourself.

Three-four weeks ago the plugin was changed, and it's affected the server negatively. There's never been a TBG admin or member on to witness it so there's nothing for y'all to even compare it to. You have to take my word for it because I'm the only one who has witnessed it and has bothered saying something.

All I'm asking is for it to be looked over again and maybe changed or experimented with because literally anything would be better than whatever it's doing now. It's extremely frustrating.

If it's not worth the time or effort to look into I understand, I run a community myself and this one is huge. I'd rather be told that it will be changed or tweaked or looked into, or straight up told that it won't be. Yeah the latter would be disappointing because of the shear amount of time I have on the server, but as of now it's a waste of time playing on the server and it's kind of a bummer.
Some members do play rush sporadically.
Just because they don't often visit that server does not mean the scrambler is any different from other servers. And we haven't heard complaints from any members about the scrambler. Again this scrambler is universal across all servers.

No problem, I can take a look how it scrambles and adjust based on skill/points/kdr/global stats etc but we aren't going back to an outdated scrambler.

Team balancing during round works when you die and have a low score and most likely when you aren't in a squad but I'm pretty sure this part is not an issue.
that server will now scrambler by "skill" I imagine skill means by points, so they could be 15 and 15 with 100000 points. Basically squads with the best teamwork that creates points will be spread apart if the difference ticket value is high
that seems like a terrible way to scramble teams. start of round or end of round. be it clan mates playing as a squad or some pubbers who just happen to get in same squad and know how to communicate with in game tools. you take a squad tear it apart and put some douche in it and vice versa you take a team player and throw him to a squad of douche is gonna piss more ppl off. that's just my thought
You are misunderstanding It's squad scrambler not player scrambler. We've been using squad scrambler for a year. It doesnt tear a squad apart it moves the entire squad over to the other team keeping other good squads on the other side to promote balance

instead of using the plugin built-in scrambler determination I selected to use skill exclusively for that server only. The other servers have their pre-configuaration intact.
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oh ok im with ya now I thought you ment it was taking individuals outta squads and scrambling that way. I misread my bad