Remake of Robocop!


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
Made it maybe 30 minutes in and I already want to sacrifice 1000 newborns of the discrace. first 7minutes...decent....wholly shit though, this movie better shape up or I am going to burn the DVD I just bought! Mother fuck!

Why have we run out of ideas that we need to butcher classics?
Joel Kinnaman was decent in the tv show The Killing but as most remakes Robocop was kinda poop.
I wanted to see it but haven't gotten through my DVR yet, still have a couple episodes of Turn left. New ideas have mostly been gone since the 80's which is why we have so many remakes of 80's movies. That and they are lazy so they find films with cult classic standing, cookie cut it with new technology and give it the modern PC treatment and voila $100 million and a legacy tarnished by lazy greed. The 80's was really an explosion of movies and ideas that are now recognized as great or special. If I wasn't at work I would take the time to go through the 80's remakes.
I didn't even finish it...I fell asleep during his "targeting/training" sequence with Rorshak
It was quite okay, actually not as bad as I feared, even though it was bad - make no mistake.

Why? To cash in on a wider audience. Because if they made it full of gore and 9000SUX and cheesy commercials, it would've scored the old fans, and not many new ones... even though it would've been one hell of a better movie. It's kind of sad really, but I think a more risque producer or an indie approach would've been better.
It was quite okay, actually not as bad as I feared, even though it was bad - make no mistake.

Why? To cash in on a wider audience. Because if they made it full of gore and 9000SUX and cheesy commercials, it would've scored the old fans, and not many new ones... even though it would've been one hell of a better movie. It's kind of sad really, but I think a more risque producer or an indie approach would've been better.
I'd buy that for a dollar. I still miss Clarence Boddeger...and Dick Jones! Evil fucking bad guys. I see michael keaton, and am like lolwhat? Yer batman?!

**was MagnaVolt in 1st or 2nd @HeatSurge ?
After the very first one it was butchered. All the sequels they made back in the day were horrible.
Can't really look at it as a true remake. Story-wise it stands on its own.
story wise it stands on its own??? have you seen the original?
good uncorrupted cop is introduced....then dies. Gets opted in to OCP program. Rapes face ridding Detroit of evil doers. Has a fetish for solving own murder, finds out it leads to OCP higher ups. Has battle with ED-209, has trouble with programming as a failsafe for OCP headman. Kills him, end story.

the original and remake have same the letter!

After the very first one it was butchered. All the sequels they made back in the day were horrible.
the second wasnt too bad, I really like the "nuke lords"...seems more a story for Judge Dredd, but they made it work. The 3rd robocop, man I cant believe I watched it twice.
They tried to push the family more in the story compared to the original. Murphy's partner is a male instead of a female. ....The Most recent Judge Dredd i have seriously watched like 11 times i like it that much.
They tried to push the family more in the story compared to the original. Murphy's partner is a male instead of a female. ....The Most recent Judge Dredd i have seriously watched like 11 times i like it that much.
Yea, the new Dredd was pretty good. But as heat said earlier, all hte family shit in the new robocop was replaced by awesome commercials in the old one
Dredd was way better of a remake, actually it was better than the original movie, which I saw recently and it hasn't aged well.

Cheap, but good for what it was. I would like to see that get a better lead actor and a bit more budget for no.2, but I can only dream.
I though E'omer did a good job as Dredd. He has the pout face on lockdown! I just hope that sexy mutant makes a showing!

Though I heard reference to judge hershey in the remake