Remembering That Day......


Oct 28, 2013
Tuesday, September 11th 2001. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was still on active duty, and we had just finished a good PT session with Major Little when we were told while cooling down in the parking lot what had happened. It seemed impossible, yet as we starred at the T.V. in major Little's office it was true and we stood there in disbelief. We went to work and the days and weeks that proceeded that day were very busy and challenging but we remained very focused on what we had to do with our little slice of the Marine Corps. So much has happened in the years since that fateful day a lot good and a lot bad but my take away is that we as a country did what needed to be done and the individuals behind this unbelievably cowardly act are for the most part either dead or behind bars. We shall over come, and by God we did. God bless all those brave souls that gave their all that day, and all the days since then in the fight for freedom all over the world.
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I had only been at Luke AFB for 1 month to the day on 9/11. I was the lowest man on the totem pole, and we were having our morning meeting about what jobs we were doing for the day. I was a heavy equipment operator. In the middle of the meeting the phone rings so I go answer and it is our NCOIC who was away on leave at the time. He told me to turn on the TV because something was happening in NYC. I turned on the TV and about 1 minute later the 2nd plane hit. I still remember how the hell does a plane hit a building when it was so clear out. Not to long after that we were told we were now in FPCON Delta and the base was locked down. We had to lock the gate to our squadron, lock the doors to our buildings and set up check points on base. For most of the morning we sat around like most people watching it happen on TV. Watching the shows about that day on the History Channel bring back that day so vividly. That is one of a very few days in the history of the world that changed the course of everything and we were alive to witness it.
I remember that day like it was yesterday as well. I was just a young student walking into my classroom and the first thing I saw was the TV on. I look over and my teacher was sitting at her desk crying. Then I looked back at the TV and just as I did, the 2nd plane hit. Like you FossilMaker, I thought why was a plane flying low and hitting a building on a clear day. So we all sat at our desks watching the TV. Then a few hours later, our school dismissed early. Now years later, that date is one of the very few dates from that time that I still remember vividly.

Also to FossilMaker and Stabem, I want to say thank you for your service to this country.
I was about 13 when this happened. Turned on the TV and was in disbelief until I kept watching. Will never forget.
I was in high school at the time. Social Studies class at the time. They locked down the whole school and told us what had happened. At that point we all ask the teacher if we could take our cell phones out. I called my mother and step father and told them to get to the neighbors house and turn on the TV. They were still in bed sleeping. I don't think it hit us as much as it did later because we had no stream of information. There was one girl in my class that went into a bit of a panic.