Renno I need G9X help


Registered User
Nov 16, 2010
So last night when I was on the forum for some reason my mouse scroll wheel was making the website zoom in and out and now I'm stuck with a way zoomed in TBG forum. I don't know how to get the mouse to zoom the screen back out for normal view and to make matters worse now in game when I use the scroll wheel to select a weapon or kit it skips over one. So instead of selecting my pistol it goes straight to the medic hub, then the nades, then the knife and going backwards it will skip down from the knife to the defib to the pistol. WTF? I don't know how to change scroll wheel settings, not sure how it happened in the first place. Is it possible my brand new G9X is shit?
Well you first problem can be fixed pretty easily. Question is what browser? Ctrl + 0 is most now I believe.

As far as your profile settings I would assume you have Logitech SetPoint installed and there will usually be the logitech eye icon in the task bar tray for that.
Fucking A, thanks Rain that fixed the forum page view. Still fucked in the game though
It sounds like your control key is stuck on. Maybe not physically, but the input is being sent to your system somehow regardless.
hahaha mac...that was same shit was going on with me...i restarted my machine

**then i was able to adjust everything once she rebooted...speaking of, do any of you remember an old saturday morning cartoon(one of hte first cgi cartoons) called REBOOT?
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It sounds like your control key is stuck on. Maybe not physically, but the input is being sent to your system somehow regardless.

While that fits for browser, I didn't mention it as it doesn't fit for the game situation. Unless ctrl is bound to something different in game for him. Default is crouch and it doesn't change the behavior of weapons selection.
And people wonder why I hate logitech mice...because they're fucked and they break after a year. My advice throw that piece of shit in the trash and get a different mouse.
I'm going to try resetting it to default and see if that fixes the mouse wheel problem.
Everybody loves their logitech mouse and then it breaks and they buy it again and it breaks and they buy it again...I'm seeing a pattern here. Oh yeah, I forgot Logitech makes crap mice that have a short lifespan which is why I don't buy them. Now I remember! Whew, that was close.

Edit: good luck on getting it to work that sucks when they die.
I just reset it to the defaults and it's all good now. Six my last logitech lasted 6 years of grueling use and it was AWESOME. Wish they still made it
Yeah my MX518 lasted till I just decided it was time to upgrade and use it as a backup mouse to setup PC's I build. It was my primary for 3+ years.

I don't know, I love my Logitech G35 headset, my Logitech G15 keyboard and my Logitech G9x. Never have had a single issue with Logitech. Maybe I'm lucky. =P
My last 2 logitechs work as good as the day I got em. The one before that didn't survive the massive amount of water inside it.