Reporting 3 players (baseraping/toxic behaviour)


Registered User
Jan 27, 2018
User Name YU-commando (my username)

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** TBGCLAN.COM | ## AIR MAPS CONQUEST 24/7 | NO LAG
(Map: Dawnbreaker)

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** 1/27/2018

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 3 hours ago

Player's name** Egghead1019, BlackJesus846 and Geekerd

Offense committed: Baseraping with jets, attack-helis and rockets (engineer).

Steam ID: ?

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.


Comments: When the round started i played with attack-heli for some minutes and went to homebase to repair.
While i was on the ground repairing for a moment i got hit by rockets from enemy attack-heli from far away (by BlackJesus846). I tried report him on chat with !report command, but it didn't work. I asked BlackJesus846, not to baserape but he was obnoxious about it in chat. Then i respawned in a new attack-heli, and got killed instantly by BlackJesus846. He then lied about it it chat that he chased me to homebase which wasn't true. So i decided to record him and opened my recording sofware, but it crashed BF4. I failed to logg in to the server several times (and had to update the recording software to make it work). Once i fixed recording software i joined the same round and started recording. In the video linked in this thread, as soon as i spawned i got instantly killed by (Egghead1019 i think) in homebase (see video). He rammed me with a jet. Then i got hit by rockets from Geekerd, also in homebase. I didn't move from homebase from the rest of the remaining round, beacuse i wanted to record as much evidence as possible (my apologies if i broke any rules here by staying in homebase). If you read the chatlogg you can trace the moment when the baseraping started. You can also see some hints in main chat in the video. I hope that these guys get some kind of punishment, this kind of toxic behaviour isn't ok. I asked them nicely not to baserape and they didn't listen.
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First of all you can't return to the UNCAP after you've left and attacked and then claim protection. They can follow you back and finish you off. The next time you respawned and got rammed that was wrong but unfortunately we don't know exactly who rammed you. The next time you spawn into the chopper and frankriz00 is in the gunner seat and he starts shooting, well technically you're shooting from the uncap so they have every right to attack you where you're at. I know that wasn't your fault but he ruined that for you. When you spawned in the LAV and Geekerd killed you that was definitely attacking the uncap. So if a HA could issue a ban to get his attention that would be great. Thank you for the report and we will keep our eyes out on these guys.
First of all you can't return to the UNCAP after you've left and attacked and then claim protection. They can follow you back and finish you off. The next time you respawned and got rammed that was wrong but unfortunately we don't know exactly who rammed you. The next time you spawn into the chopper and frankriz00 is in the gunner seat and he starts shooting, well technically you're shooting from the uncap so they have every right to attack you where you're at. I know that wasn't your fault but he ruined that for you. When you spawned in the LAV and Geekerd killed you that was definitely attacking the uncap. So if a HA could issue a ban to get his attention that would be great. Thank you for the report and we will keep our eyes out on these guys.

Thank you. I told my teammates not to shoot from main. If you check the chatlogg you can see the conversation between me and BlackJesus846.
Also at the end of the video he says "then get out of base", "like what do you want us to do?", "not play?" (after i asked them not to baserape).
Regarding the first basekill, i can understand that. But i was at mainbase for a while, landed and stayed like 40 sec while heli recharged health. Then after those 40 seconds i got hit by a rocket from BlackJesus846 helicopter. I wasn't engaging anybody during that minute, or escaping from an airfight. (I got hit by AA mine prior to that when i pulled back to main the first time).

Well i am greatful that you will keep an eye out for these guys. That round was so toxic it was redicilous.
I have issued a ban for Geekerd. He can appeal.