Reporting a player on CSS

fast banned this guy over a year ago, not sure whats up
Kept disconnecting everytime everyone started to vote ban him. (Client not connected to Steam) etc.
ya something isnt working right i just tried to ban my self and i didnt work, im busy for the night but if @x=FAST=x is home he might fix it
Alright. He seemed to have gotten off after he ran half the players off. Damn kids and their aimbots.
well looking at it. I see there was an error banning his steam ID

All that script code stuff supposed to look like this


I will ban myself using sourcemod to see what's going on
Shit driving me up the wall atm. Webpanel doesn't work but in game does, smac also works.

The issue is adding manual bans will work but they have to leave the server or at least be kicked for the ban to stick with webpanel. You would have to kick them while beiing in game. Yea confusing.

There were never updates released in the last 2 years so things are starting to break, community release their own quick fixes but not getting their methods to work right now. I will try again later. Mind is being blown.