Reporting a player


Registered User
May 10, 2014
Member Name

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** **ALL RUSH MAPS 24/7 | BF4 + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM | GAMEME

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** May 10, 2014 - 3-4 PM

Would be helpful to indicate the time. CST

Player's name** dash

Offense committed: damage hack suspected

Origin ID: JackedLegend

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos:
note how his accuracy is atrocious yet his kdr and score on the server 30 mins ago is beyond his skill level.

First time I played against JackedLegend 30 min ago he one one-shot me with a sg553, meaning I had 100 health previously. His accuracy is absolutely terrible (check the stats) but his kpm and scoreboard does not reflect that at all. Please look into it thank you.
He has a damage mod a Head admin needs to look at this and extend the ban across all servers. Just click the link netcode used, that is defiantly a damage mod. Nice catch.
Thanks for the report. We will take a look at see what we can do.