Reporting a player


Registered User
May 25, 2014
Member Name Cyrus

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** **NAVAL STRIKE CARRIER ASSAULT & CONQUEST 24/7 | TBGCLAN.COM |

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** 05-26-2014 10-02am

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 10-02am + 39:36min

Player's name** ChoppyBot and TheModoNaut

Offense committed: Grief and acting like assholes

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.


Comments If you goto 39:36min in....(or watch the begining and see how and what i was doing, as how much I was sucking cause of the kills taken heh and so many misses) that is when the crap starts with their chat/typing talks.... it really all explains it in the video description.

And as well, why I being singled out, as you can see from the video, there was another player sniping from the carrier right next to me.

All because I kicked them out of the squad? They could have joined another squad and kept playing, and being a team. That is acting like a little bitch.
I've banned them both for griefing. They can come and appeal and have their bans lifted. They've only been in our server once, ever, so I don't expect to see them appeal or even know they are banned.

I do recommend not being a squad leader if you are going to recon at the spawn, simply because it can be frustrating for people who sometimes have limited squad choice options when the server is full and want to have an active squad leader.

Thanks for posting the video and reaching out to me on teamspeak the other day.