Reporting a player


Registered User
May 31, 2014
Member Name Cosmic

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** ##Turbine 24/7|instant spawn|no lag|

Which Game is this for?** Rising Storm

Date/time:** 6/2/14 @4:20

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 4:20

Player's name** Daniel

Offense committed: Hacks as a scount using infinite bonk to hold open gates at the spawn.

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Evidence: I recorded the video with a screen capture thing. Cam studio. I am a bit of a new guy, so I dont know how to upload it.

Comments I can't find the steam ID. He doesnt show up on my gaming history and his login name is daniel so when you search for him, there over 70k results.
He is on right now. The system set up for banning is inneffective. It takes to long to get the 15 players, and by the time theres 14 and he's about to be banned, he leaves and comes back. Can you put the original vote system back? that way, if he leaves, he will still be banned.
The voting system has never changed.

I can lower it a bit. It would have been easier for me to look up this player with a steam ID
Thats the guy. From sweden, and evreything matches up.

ATF_The Rx Bandit // TF2 : " STEAM_0:1:40350411 57:33 68 0 active# 464 "Adrian" STEAM_0
(Voice) Mricecreamcookie: MEDIC!
magic_mushroomcake : !voteban adrian
Adrian :

I had a hard time finding his steam ID so I asked on the server. He now goes by the name Adrian, so the steam ID he gave could be fake. The problem is that when he quits and rejoins, the count goes back to 0, is there a way to make them stay, at least for a 1 day period?
he has a prior vac ban, he should of been auto banned when he joined the server, ill add him to the list, thanks.
You dont need to type !voteban

Just "voteban adrian" is enough

I know, but that is what I mean when I say it's hard getting 15 people to do a voteban. So many people are used to the !voteban or just dont want to becuase they dont care (why would you if your on the other team)
It says in the MOTD and there is chat scrolling every 5 minutes telling you to either voteban or votemute in chat.

I have lowered the percentage required to ban or mute