Reporting a player


Registered User
Jul 1, 2014
Member Name MrDestroyer97

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** -|TBG| - AIR MAPS ONLY CONQUEST 24/7 | TBGCLAN.COM | GAMEME

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** 7/1/2014

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 1:30 pm

Player's name** sentinel111

Offense committed: harassment

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.


Comments He was harassing my friend Cyrus and pushing him into the water with an LAV-AD, then I tried to stop sentinel111, and he called me a "phaget". and then started harassing me and insulting my mom for the rest of the game, and into the next 2 games after that, until I had to quit. As you can see there was no reason for the harassment I received for helping one of my friends. people like him need to be banned from EA, because they make the game less enjoyable for all the other players.
13:21:50] sentinel111 > Hey destroyer, does your mom know you are playing BF4?
[13:21:55] MrDestroyer97 > what does that have to do with anything
[13:22:02] sentinel111 > hey destroyer, does your mom know u like boys?

13:21:50] sentinel111 > Hey destroyer, does your mom know you are playing BF4?
[13:21:55] MrDestroyer97 > what does that have to do with anything
[13:22:02] sentinel111 > hey destroyer, does your mom know u like boys?

[13:15:44] MrDestroyer97 > good job sentinel
[13:15:49] MrDestroyer97 > im reporting you
[13:15:55] sentinel111 > pardon?
[13:16:06] MrDestroyer97 > did i studder?
[13:16:09] sentinel111 > haha, u guys are phagets
[13:16:15] MrDestroyer97 > good for you
[13:16:16] MaliciousMolerat > Lol stutter
[13:16:17] sentinel111 > yes you did
[13:16:20] sentinel111 > are you retarded?
[13:16:24] sentinel111 > or from texas?
[13:16:27] MrDestroyer97 > nope, teamkiller
[13:16:31] MrDestroyer97 > im reporting you
[13:16:32] sentinel111 > yes you are
[13:16:38] sentinel111 > sure go ahead
[13:16:41] MrDestroyer97 > i have you recorded
[13:16:44] sentinel111 > u griefed me for 10 mins
[13:16:47] MrDestroyer97 > perfect evidence
[13:16:56] MrDestroyer97 > no my guy wasnt doing anything to you
[13:16:56] sentinel111 > and then I pushed your truck into the water
[13:17:00] sentinel111 > hahaha
[13:17:03] sentinel111 > total BS
[13:17:19] sentinel111 > u guys were trying to push me in or C4 me into the water
[13:17:23] sentinel111 > isiot
[13:17:32] sentinel111 > *idiot
[13:17:37] MrDestroyer97 > asshole
[13:17:37] Arrgh--ya_got_me > man, leave his beacon--I need the targets
[13:17:45] MrDestroyer97 > i fucking saw you pushing my guy into the water
[13:17:48] MrDestroyer97 > im reporting you
[13:17:57] sentinel111 > yep after being griefed for 10 mins
[13:18:00] TheLordDerpus > wow
[13:18:01] sentinel111 > damn straight I did
[13:18:17] Arrgh--ya_got_me > girls, girls, girls--you're both pretty!
[13:18:17] MrDestroyer97 > good for you, i saw you pushing my guy into the water happy ban
[13:18:23] sentinel111 > hahaha
[13:18:26] ChanceTx > lol
[13:18:29] sentinel111 > banhammer
[13:18:31] Bumjelly75 > how was he pushing u
[13:18:33] sentinel111 > do it
[13:18:51] MrDestroyer97 > he was pushing me and my squad member into the water with an aa
[13:18:55] sentinel111 > these two tards were trying to push me while I was in the AA into the water
[13:19:09] sentinel111 > trying to C4 under me to get me into teh water
[13:19:13] Arrgh--ya_got_me > ...I can't believe we're the winning team
[13:19:14] CHOPPER_iL > why u just not shut fuk up
[13:19:16] sentinel111 > after 10 mins I finally had enough
[13:19:17] CHOPPER_iL > and play?
[13:19:29] TheLordDerpus > WTF!?!?
[13:19:36] sentinel111 > DIE phaget insists on making an issue of it
[13:19:58] MrDestroyer97 > he was trying to push out of the way and you wouldnt move
[13:20:07] sentinel111 > Destroyer97 and Cyrus were griefing me
[13:20:08] MrDestroyer97 > you wouldnt move so he pushed you
[13:20:18] sentinel111 > hardly you teenage retard
[13:20:42] MrDestroyer97 > im happy im greafing you, happy ban teamkiller
[13:21:39] sentinel111 > Hey Destroyer, can you do 50 pushups in 50 seconds?
13:21:50] sentinel111 > Hey destroyer, does your mom know you are playing BF4?
[13:21:55] MrDestroyer97 > what does that have to do with anything
[13:22:02] sentinel111 > hey destroyer, does your mom know u like boys?
[13:22:42] sentinel111 > hey destroyer, do you know that you ARENT supposed to push a shampoo bottle in your bum?
[13:22:51] sentinel111 > Wahhh, he's harassing me
[13:23:20] MrDestroyer97 > hey you know this is tbg harrasing me is a bannable offense
[13:24:17] sentinel111 > Hey Destroyer
[13:24:24] sentinel111 > I didnt mean to make you cry
[13:24:25] MrDestroyer97 > what
[13:24:28] sentinel111 > Can we be friends?
[13:24:36] MrDestroyer97 > ok im getting you banner
[13:24:41] MrDestroyer97 > banned*
[13:24:46] teaandscones1337 > lol funny
[13:24:51] sentinel111 > I'm trying to be nice
[13:24:54] MrDestroyer97 > ill report you
[13:25:38] MrDestroyer97 > sentinel111 your trying to be nice, now that i threaten you?
[13:25:49] MrDestroyer97 > threaten to get you banned?
[13:25:55] sentinel111 > No, I just want to be friends
[13:26:00] sentinel111 > And maybe spoon
[13:26:03] Lidoxdood > babycry fuck heads.
[13:26:07] sentinel111 > I'm big spoon however
[13:26:10] Bumjelly75 > how do u report players
[13:26:25] MrDestroyer97 > you should have thought of that before you started talking shit about me
[13:26:46] sentinel111 > Well it was actually Cyrus that said you were a phag
[13:26:49] 3gbeyotch > WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13:26:52] sentinel111 > I tried defending you
[13:26:55] sentinel111 > but noooo
[13:27:15] MrDestroyer97 > no you called cyrus and i both phags, i have this recorded
[13:27:24] sentinel111 > Ok
[13:27:31] sentinel111 > I do
[13:27:49] sentinel111 > its a lovely '97 Destroyer Cabernet
[13:28:06] sentinel111 > But your mom is hot
[13:28:13] sentinel111 > and she likes it in the bum
[13:28:18] MrDestroyer97 > my mom is dead asshole
[13:28:26] sentinel111 > too much buttsex?
[13:28:39] MrDestroyer97 > thats it im reporting you
[13:28:50] sentinel111 > I thot last time you were reporrting me
[13:28:52] teaandscones1337 > lol this chat hahah
[13:29:18] sentinel111 > THIS TIME I MEAN IT
[13:29:23] MrDestroyer97 > i didnt report you yet
[13:29:23] sentinel111 > lol
[13:29:27] Arrgh--ya_got_me > ha ha, way to stick the landing
[13:29:29] sentinel111 > go ahead twit
[13:29:30] MrDestroyer97 > im going to dont worry
[13:29:41] sentinel111 > and I'll stop screwing your dead mom in the bum
[13:35:36] MrDestroyer97 > im reporting him after this session
[13:35:45] sentinel111 > and Destroyers mums bum is nice and tight for a dead leady
[13:35:52] sentinel111 > *lady
[13:36:37] sentinel111 > Hey Destroyer
[13:36:43] sentinel111 > can we be friends again?
[13:36:43] 3gbeyotch > BABY SENTINEL111
[13:36:51] sentinel111 > yes Imma a baby
[13:36:58] sentinel111 > can I suck your boob for milk?
13:37:25] sentinel111 > yes
[13:37:26] MrDestroyer97 > sentienel im going to report you to this server
13:37:36] sentinel111 > Ok
[13:37:44] sentinel111 > maybe I'll go kill myself then
[13:37:45] Bumjelly75 > sentinel you r a b#$ch and no one should be freinds with u
[13:37:55] sentinel111 > now now
[13:37:57] Arrgh--ya_got_me > HAHAHA
[13:38:02] sentinel111 > is that anyway to talk about your friends
13:38:12] MrDestroyer97 > dudee maybe you would have friends if you were so mean and instulted people moms
[13:38:57] sentinel111 > I've got Destroyers mum here
[13:39:05] sentinel111 > she enjoys it
[13:39:51] Bumjelly75 > how can u have destroyers mum when he said she was dead
[13:40:01] sentinel111 > I dug her up
[13:40:13] sentinel111 > keep her in the freezer
[13:40:24] sentinel111 > thaw her out when I need some lovin
[13:40:40] MrDestroyer97 > im recording too
[13:40:55] sentinel111 > Uh, ok, destroyer
[13:41:41] sentinel111 > AND IMMA TELL TEACHER ON YOU TOO
[13:41:56] sentinel111 > your mom says to be nice to me
[13:42:53] MrDestroyer97 > sentinel your just making things worse
[13:43:01] sentinel111 > Am I?
[13:43:05] sentinel111 > How?
[13:43:09] MrDestroyer97 > yeah stop when your behind
[13:43:16] Arrgh--ya_got_me > you're on double secret probation
[13:43:17] sentinel111 > by saying BAD things?
[13:43:49] sentinel111 > Destroyer, does your pee pee get hard when you think about girls?
13:44:00] MrDestroyer97 > se you are harrasing m
[13:44:15] sentinel111 > jI asked you a honest question
13:44:26] sentinel111 > I should know these things if we are to be friends
[13:45:37] sentinel111 > Love you destroyer
[13:45:44] sentinel111 > Can we cuddle?
[13:47:21] sentinel111 > so Destroyer
13:47:45] sentinel111 > does it get hard thinking about boys?
[13:53:14] sentinel111 > Destroyer
[13:53:20] sentinel111 > Did I make you cry?
14:55:03] sentinel111 > Hey Cyrus, where is your butt buddy Destroyer?>
[15:09:18] Girlycandy > Ive clam slammed a couple people, does that mean Im a virgin?
[15:09:29] sentinel111 > Hey Candy, if I'm over 18, is it legal for me to ask you for naked pictures?
[15:16:05] sentinel111 > Hey Destroyer
[15:16:10] sentinel111 > did you get me banned?
[15:17:21] sentinel111 > HEY DESTROYER
[15:17:29] sentinel111 > I JUST FUCKED YOUR DEAD MOM
15:17:44] sentinel111 > WHEREISYOURGODNOW?
[15:18:02] sentinel111 > HEY DESTROYER
[15:18:13] sentinel111 > HAVE YOU SUCKED ANY DICK TODAY?
Thank you for your report,sir. A head admin should be around shortly. He shall be dealt with swiftly.
Fucking hell.

Smacktalk is explicitly allowed in our servers, but this guy went way over the line into blatant knobhead territory. Banned from all servers.
Flat out fact, just FYI information, I did tell him to move,
1) he was just sitting at our base just before you hit A, I told him to move because my LAV couldnt get up the damn hill out of our base, yes i fell down cause a damn TANK pushed me down the hill by ramming into me, it doesnt matter, it happens from time to time but that hill i couldnt get up...(I dont know why but it could be a BF4 bug glitch, like on altai range most of those hills one can not go up but they arent steep, anyways, i dont care) thing is I told him to move multiple times in team chat approx 3ish. 1 should have been enough. He didnt.
2) yes I did push him because he wouldnt move, into the water no, just out of the way forward, and he kept pushing back(reversing) and staying where he was (AA"s are more powerful than LAV's when it comes to pushing FYI which i didnt know), And even so, the AA CAN go into the water all AA's can they are like LAV's.
3) He was pushing back, and not letting me by, I couldnt get/go around, at all, he was in the driveway? right by the water, in between the water and the walkway i couldnt even squeeze into between the way he was parked.
Did he go ahead No... did he back up NO(unless he was pushing me). Only way to get past him was to push him since he wouldnt listen or even move. Then he starts ramming me and pushing me and trying to kill me... once he finally went infront of the walk way up the stairs, I start to go across finally, and he hacks into me pushing me into the water....I jump out save myself, he falls into the water cause he is still trying to push me into the water he dies. So inturn, we lost a LAV, and an AA because he wouldnt move on that map.

I play with people who record for this specific reason, things like this are stating to get stupid.
Especially when (iam sorry I personally hate COD) COD fucktards are coming on thinking they can do the same thing in COD that they can here in BF4, umm no. Especially the damn teabagging which is god damn stupid and just disrespectful. Sorry but it isnt funny anymore (though it never was as i see it imo).

Thank you for keeping the ban, if you do decide to I do appreciate it.
If you wish to ban me go ahead, but fact being i was trying to move him out of the way period and told him to multiple times and he wouldn't move his damn AA 1 out of spawn and 2 out of my way if he wanted to stay in friggin spawn.

Correction, It was the MRAP not the LAV, my bad, even worse, on the reason why i couldnt go back up the hill, omg... though i could have sworn it was in the LAV iam sorry none the less.
We appreciate it Cyrus. This matter has already been handled. Sorry this asswipe ruined your fun. You won't have to deal with him on our servers ever again. Happy Fragging!