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Neil Mc Neill

Apr 26, 2014
User Name Neil Mc Neill

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?**

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4


Would be helpful to indicate the time.

Player's name**

Offense committed: Player Raping Servers...sorry, its your own guys on TS

Steam ID: mattdilllon

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.


Comments I am having second thoughts about this way you play on your own servers guys....I may donate...but at this point in time with the way you RAPE your own server, I fail how I can even recommend you to the people I am in communication with at EA/Dice headquarters...the play of game today was atrocious in the way you were bullying and pinning down everything that moved..Your organized TS is also something to regret meeting on, as some older members on this need hand slap badly, and were pushing REAL People about like Cattle....(some people almost were begging to be let into a squad just to get a Winning round in Rush.
Whether you know it or not, it seems to be the donations that keep your server going mate? But tonight, it was all about being the Top Bully of the TBG Clan...Shame on you, even the ones that are Full members that can raise hell about this too! I for one, play BF for fun, and have seen this, "King of the Hill" attitude" many times...and prob will see it in the future too, if you let it persist too....Mores the pitty I say?
When you say, "We need people to donate" Does this also mean, "We also want people to bend over backwards and kiss our Arses!" in the way we play too!
You must, "BACK DOWN!" and let the opposite side win, if you want to make your clan financially stable, and get regular donations!
Today, I found an Aggressive personality Bullying in your TS.
This person may have had a bad day, but bullying others to his way of is sad really..
I for one will not be Bullied by anyone. I'm in Chilliwack BC Canada on Edward Street if you got the Balls to meet me and discuss this Mano e Manno?
Our are you afraid of a 60 year old man you Bully!
Probably not.
Again...mores the pitty too!
There are plenty of people online that like your servers, (me too) but, I wont put up with a BULLY!
PISS ON U,,,and you know who you are pal....once I told you am I in or not in your Squad, (don't care which side or squad I play on really) you ignored me, as I was helping the team to a win! YOU! Were just bossing em around the same way every time. I proved how badly you are a team leader with one other man....we stopped your E and D crap in its tracks too! That same fellow that I showed how to beat your bullshit, (bullying really) was happy to learn this too! He will prob beat the whole TGB single handed now too!
Good for him too!
It is a game right? Not about who leads and follows? Or is it? There still seems to be one or two, (this time One only) that persist in behaving badly, and persist in wanting to be, "LOOK AT ME, LISTEN TO ME" type of person too!
Your problem, not mine,
I noticed this bully right away when he came into TS.....(Hates to be not noticed or listened too) This person will continue to ruin what you are tryoing to accomplish, and drive the donations down too. (May even be boosting the donations every month with his donation?)
Again, your prob not mine.
BTW, I fully expect to be denied access to this forum and Teamspeak permanently too,,,, mores the pitty I say again!
Who will be your Clan Watchdog, tell others they are overstepping their own boundaries and driving new people away?
Ever wonder why your association never got bigger?
Its American Bullshit! The World Really is Fed up with their Bullying, It showed badly tonight here too!
Again, mores the pitty too, when you as a clan of brothers and sisters can do nothing about this too!
So, thats about it, I expect banishment to the great white north over this, but, In the USA's constitution it does say there is Freedom of the Press over anything?
Good luck, you won't get past that BULLY I bet!
So you were playing very poorly and not helping the team, were kicked out of the squad, then threw a fit. I guess that was bullying? Toughen up cupcake. On a side note, please do not donate and, if you would like any donations back we are happy to oblige.
We as in TBG finance our servers. We do not ask it from our regulars. We accept donations but we do not ask for it. If you couldn't handle the communication that was going on in TS and considered it enough to file this report, then you lack the mental fortitude required to be a part of this community. We are not a carebear clan as stated in the private message that I sent you following your application to the clan. I also noticed from several of your responses on the forums that you were taking everything personally, even responses to other people. Maybe this was the issue tonight? Either way, please restrain yourself from coming back as we will not appreciate any forthcoming comments or actions from you.

Locking this thread and discouraging neil from the forums.
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