User Name PINOY9267
Please fill out as much information as possible.
What is the game server name?** TEAM DEATHMATCH/TDM
Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4
Date/time:** 9/25/2017 1040 PM Central time
Would be helpful to indicate the time. its on the date and time
Player's name** [RACN]PerfectShot967:
Offense committed: very disrespectfull and prefires from far away check the logs
Steam ID:
Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.
Evidence: I dont have evidence but some people cannot be that good in that kind of map plus check the logs for how diesrespectful please check the logs i Love playing for the sserver but you rules are not being enforced by people cursing and being disrespectful.
Please fill out as much information as possible.
What is the game server name?** TEAM DEATHMATCH/TDM
Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4
Date/time:** 9/25/2017 1040 PM Central time
Would be helpful to indicate the time. its on the date and time
Player's name** [RACN]PerfectShot967:
Offense committed: very disrespectfull and prefires from far away check the logs
Steam ID:
Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.
Evidence: I dont have evidence but some people cannot be that good in that kind of map plus check the logs for how diesrespectful please check the logs i Love playing for the sserver but you rules are not being enforced by people cursing and being disrespectful.