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Registered User
May 29, 2014
User Name MEX_cuz_I_CAN

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** bf 2/3 maps

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** 01-28-2018

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 7:09pm PT

Player's name** SIGG_Sauer

Offense committed: racial slur, bypassed filter

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Evidence: "pinche mojados inojados tonight"
mojado is a slur for wetback

Comments months ago in voice chat he called me a "beaner", I let it go then but tonight I don't even have to upload a video since the evidence is in chat
Mex, please allow me to offer my humble and honest apology. Please understand that as a chef for 16 years working across the southwest US that I have nothing but the utmost adoration and appreciation for opportunities that I had working with my friends from south of the border. I would never have been as successful as I was without their incredible skills and work ethics. All of them are still family to me and I would do anything & fight like hell for anyone of them as I trust they would for me.

After reading your post I now realize the remark I made was truly insensitive, derogatory, uncalled for.. but mostly ignorance on my part. I have been out of the restaurant biz for quite sometime (10 yrs) and my "kitchen Spanish" is very rough and mostly forgotten. The term I meant to type instead of "Mojados " was "Mujueres" (sp?). This was an honest mistake on my part. Again, what I meant to type was not the word mojados (w**backs) but (MUJERES) "ladies" or "women". I was a bit intoxed at the time and didn't think twice about it. Completely my fault.

It does no good to explain other aspects of the chat last night or why I would say what I did, no matter, that was the absolute wrong fucking word to type.

And as to the comment I made in voice months back, again, my fault. As anyone who has ever worked in a kitchen can attest, it is a very vulgar and stressful place to be. Slang at this level and worse was thrown around in a joking matter all the time and no one batted an eye about it. I get that this happened in a gaming server and not a kitchen. But it is still no excuse.
With your blessing I would like to move towards lifting this ban. I am very sorry to you and to all TBG clan. Thank you for reading.


Again not happening bro. You know the policy.
I worked in the kitchen of a restaurant, the night shift at a 24 hour restaurant even. A waitress, cook, and one of the assistant managers did lines of meth back there. The waitress was using her tips to feed that addiction. Plenty of cussing and drug use, zero racist talk. Ya I know some people joke like that but c'mon man I can't go around joking like that without expecting something to happen. The rules have been saying what happens. You even made my friend 1eyedwilli in voice chat uncomfortable, that's one reason I like the rule that it doesn't matter who it's used with or why.
Map changes aren't a bad thing. Playing in other maps builds new neural pathways, new strats, just avoid new bans.
I just need you to really read the post, honest mistake, I'm not a Spanish major.
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