Reporting a Player


Registered User
Dec 20, 2018
User name: SquarePanties

What is your in-game alias? AllSkillMyDude

What is the game server name? ! ! ! ! HARDCORE ALL MAPS CONQUEST | TBGCLAN.COM | BF4DB/PBBANS

Which Game is this for? BF4

Date and time approximately: 9/3/2019 8:30

Which player are you reporting? WingManDown, angelofm3tal, and jambiKING

Offense committed WingManDown And angel Refsing to have my in their and wont go with me in. WIlling to tk. Jambi tk several n team dmg

Please provide evidence can be anything from circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Any additional comments? Wingman Refusing to fly and just doing circles in the spawn and greifing. Same thing with angel refusing to fly with at all cost. Wont even move until her teammate shoots at me and i kill him cause i didnt want to die. Than a random reammtate shoots her cuz of the shooting. Jambi tk us in heli with aa end of second video. UPDATE. WINGMADOWN IS NOW TKING ME