Reporting a Player


Registered User
Jan 25, 2020
User name: Pyrokills

What is your in-game alias? Pyrokills

What is the game server name? **FUNMAPS|TBGCLAN.COM|RECRUITING

Which Game is this for? Squad

Date and time approximately: 1/25/2020 around 1:10PM EST on Sumari AAS V1

Which player are you reporting? VeryEldredmane

Offense committed Revenge TK'd for something our squad leader (Steam User: Yeet) did. I should also mention he was teamkilling other people here and there and covering it by apologizing in chat, he did the same after he teamkilled me as well.

Please provide evidence can be anything from circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos. None, should be in server logs along with whatever our squad leader "Yeet" did.

Any additional comments?
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@Pyrokills unfortunately i dont see anything in the logs. it does not record any voice or anything like that. and he made no comments on text chat. we need evidence for any action to be taken.

Thank you.

Edit: i see he apologized at some point. so whether it was actually intentional we cant verify that.