Reporting a Player

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Registered User
Apr 8, 2018
User name: StealthPanda2

What is your in-game alias? SteaIthPanda

What is the game server name? ! [TBG] BF2 & BF3 MAPS + SILK | NO LAG |

Which Game is this for? BF4

Date and time approximately: 2020-12-02 at around 2:40 - 2:45 pm (when I changed to spectating)

Which player are you reporting? WithoutEnterkey

Offense committed Suspicion on Cheating

Please provide evidence can be anything from circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Any additional comments? As a veteran BF3 pilot, I have faced many other good pilots and I don't have any issue of meeting someone better, but this one seems a bit odd compared to all others I have faced. He was able to nearly one shot my jet from ANY distance and at any angle. Upon spectating him I found he did not have to aim onto the jet to land the 100% accuracy hits. As seen in the picture, he aimed under the tail at a distance and was able to land all the shots. This occurred on his every air kill. Suspicious, please take a look thanks. Love your servers but hate cheaters.
Not really seeing anything. DO you have any gameplay video?
Fighter jet cheating is the hardest to catch. I did some research and there are many things one can do, such as perfect spd control. It takes time to watch and see if his spd is always 100% perfect and good dogfights rarely happen, usually ppl dont even fight and just bail or he outturns them so fast (due to spd cheat) so u can't be certain if hes constantly doing due to not many people wanting to dogfight to the end. Sometimes Im the only guy on the team willing to do that and if I leave to be a spectator, often you don't get to see another proper dogfight with lots of turns (to check spd control). But based on my jet experience (hundreds of hours especially from BF3, there were people better than me but not this much better, I'm usually 60/0 after the game ends in BF3 flying jets), it really felt off, like really off. Instantly oneshotted form any angle no matter how I turned, and sometimes from a far distance. BF4 jet to jet dmg is nerfed compared to BF3, yet I was still one shotted like that. Facing him, I was toyed like a child when just a few games ago I faced another jet pilot with hundreds of jet stars and he couldn't beat me. Just for perspective on why it felt really off.

When i was watching him from the ground i see his jet bullets shooting way off target but the enemy jet gets destroyed anyway. This corresponds to the aiming suspicion as shown in the picture, how hes not aiming on target but hitting them every time. Maybe next time I will take more pictures or record a video if it gets really suspicious again in the jet. (although it is harder than checking on ground rifles, as explained above)
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Unfortunely personal experience isn't evidence enough for us to ban. We need video or stat based evidence.

Make another report should you obtain either.
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