Reporting a Player

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Registered User
Oct 3, 2020
User name: cupcakesandmuffins

What is your in-game alias? NoobletOmlette

What is the game server name? # # METRO @5GHz .:. ALL WEAPONS .:. TBGCLAN.COM

Which Game is this for? BF3

Date and time approximately: December 27, 05:50 EST

Which player are you reporting? RIBBONLUCA11lIIl

Offense committed Shooting out of ceiling on metro

Please provide evidence can be anything from circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Twitch Clip The 2 UMP-45 kills he did on me was from when he was ceiling glitching.

Any additional comments? All this player does every round is ceiling glitching. This is not the first occasion I have seen him ceiling glitching. He has done it so often that many regulars know that if he's in the server, that's all he's doing.

While some may say he's not impacting the match due to his score, he actually does. On the RU team, he would attempt to capture C flag in the attempt to distract players on the US team. He also communicates to his team as to whether certain areas are clear for his team; most notably, saying "c open" ( As he can see virtually all players in the indoor area in the Metro station, he is giving his team an unfair tactical advantage by resorting to glitching out of the map.

Again, it would be much appreciated to clarify whether ceiling glitching is allowed, as the inconsistencies in banning players who do this leave a very confusing message.
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Hi Irish,

Thanks so much for all your hard work and clarification about ceiling glitching. I do realize the embedded links may cause extra inconvenience and my apologies for that. However, I can't seem to un-embed the twitch clip links as the forum automatically detects them as media links and embeds them. I am grateful for your advice on resolving that!

EDIT: Never mind, seems like I found a way to post the link directly. Thanks a lot again!
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