Reporting a Player

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Registered User
Dec 29, 2020
User name: NoPhatChix

What is your in-game alias? NoPhatChix

What is the game server name? Metro Extreme Noob

Which Game is this for? BF3

Date and time approximately: Any time he and I are online

Which player are you reporting? Bluuuueeee_Mooon

Offense committed Bullying and play disruption.....points the IR tripod thingy in my face and smokes me out with P320 smoke constantly ....hes being vindictive cos he doesnt like how I play the game

Please provide evidence can be anything from circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos. Can you check back on the video or have an active admin during play?

Any additional comments?
@NoPhatChix ...It's not the first time he's done this. The video below recorded on December 21st, shows him briefly smoking his own team. Unfortunately, I wasn't recording until I noticed it. You'll also notice a votekick initiated by VooDoo for the same issue. He then leaves after the voting starts which is why I didn't report it at the time.

@NoPhatChix ...It's not the first time he's done this. The video below recorded on December 21st, shows him briefly smoking his own team. Unfortunately, I wasn't recording until I noticed it. You'll also notice a votekick initiated by VooDoo for the same issue. He then leaves after the voting starts which is why I didn't report it at the time.

Besides the disruptive play his filthy mouth is jus disgusting.....thank you for posting the video ....hopefully something will be done
Really glad to have you back in the game Pkee
And thank you for offering proof to back me up
Over to you Admins
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