Reporting a Player


Registered User
Oct 13, 2012
User name: CaseyRybackXL

What is your in-game alias? Casey_Rybackk

What is the game server name? bf3 Metro

Which Game is this for? BF3

Date and time approximately: Saturday 1/9 3 Eastern

Which player are you reporting? 4e7c5e40-cbfa-44

Offense committed Just started, hacker stats

Please provide evidence can be anything from circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos. Well, he killed 50 players in about 2 minutes, then slowed down a little, then repeated the same next round.

Any additional comments? I would ask anyone this "talented" who just started playing to provide his old account, and why he is not playing on the old one.