Reporting a Player

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Registered User
Oct 17, 2015
User name: 7ehSaladman

What is your in-game alias? 7ehSaladman

What is the game server name? ! [TBG] 60HZ - NAVAL STRIKE CQ | NO LAG |

Which Game is this for? BF4

Date and time approximately: 03/15/2021 9:12PM

Which player are you reporting? 1933-Doc-Savage

Offense committed firing from uncap

Please provide evidence can be anything from circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Any additional comments? This is normal behavior from him but finally caught it on video since I was on the same team and happened to spawn in the boat with him
I have @killed and @kick this player on several occasions for the same thing on Naval Strike server, he doesn't seem to care......
The guy is driving out of uncap firing, which is meaningless. And didn't you get caught by this same player base raping the other day? And aren't you on your last warning for that? Don't you have an admin in your squad, and I am assuming Discord, that could have done something if it was so persistent and egregious?

My recommendation is you and Doc get over whatever dick measuring contest you have going on and focus on the good of the server. It was stupid shit like this that caused the collapse of the NS server a few years ago and it will happen again.
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