Reporting Battlefield 4 Player [BB]Major420-24-7


Registered User
Jul 23, 2022
Players In Game Name [BB]Major420-24-7

Which Game? Battlefield 4


What is your in game name? WigglyCabbage

Date and time approximately Last weekend

Offense committed Intentional team killing. He also got me banned today by recording my retaliation after he intentionally trolls and team kills. He only shows you the video after he has completed his team kills.

Additional comments

This is the only video that I have of Major420-24-7 intentionally team killing. I do not take video clips of in-game issues since he commits these offenses too often for me to spend time to create video collections of proof. Ask any of your regular players of this server their thoughts on Major420-24-7 and you will hear that he is a constant nuisance and team killer.
WigglyCabbage, why don't you tell the REAL truth and quit with the Bad Faith Accusations...Oh look, I found all the missing footage you left on the cutting room floor...Truth Exposed!!

YouTube Video Link for recorded evidence (wait for it, it's uploading slow):

I'm not interested in watching anymore of your hand picked moments in between your team killing and trolling. I'm not going to engage you any further in the forums or in servers since it's just feeding the troll that you are. You are already banned from BZ's servers and have built a poor reputation with many players that play TBG's BF4 conquest server and now you are bringing this to their forum.

Again admins, look to the server logs just prior to Major's report of me last night. Major was auto kicked for 5 team kills then returned to the server to continue. You can even see me reference it in Major's video clip of me. This player has a history of creating arguments and problems then recording the fall out, pretending to be innocent, and reporting players that retaliate.

Major trolls and team kills then hand picks his video clips in an attempt to support a false story that he is the one being bullied.

All I want to do is enjoy a few games of BF4 HC but you always have to show up and ruin the fair play in the server.

Respond if you want but I'm done engaging you.
We will be looking at all evidence. Including yours. His video, Server logs and chat logs in order to safely consider this ban and get it right. Please be patient as this may take some time. I would suggest that both of you quit engaging each other and only place actual video evidence in this report. Any further banter or backtalk to each other will not be tolerated.

If you are to place any video evidence. it should be UNCUT and UNEDITED. Otherwise it could be marked as invalid as we do not know what you are cutting out.
If you are to place any video evidence. it should be UNCUT and UNEDITED. Otherwise it could be marked as invalid as we do not know what you are cutting out.
SRQea...I can share with the Admins the Full "UnCut" & "UnEdited" footage.

The only reason I do this is from past experience and feed back.

I used to do just that, upload the whole thing...then the Admins would always say my videos are too long, they didn't want to see a TK and then wait & watch 5 mins of boring game play, just to see the next TK and another 5 mins for the 3rd TK...they said, just clip the Rules Violation, just the "Evidence", they had no interest in the non-essential game play.

Also, I don't edit to hide thing...I did not force anyone to do Team Greifing (intentionally destroying teammates assets) or to do Team Killing (unprovoked), they all do it on there own free will, I just document and share in the most efficient way...but like I said, I can share with the Admins the Full "UnCut" & "UnEdited" footage.

Also, if i have to share actual footage of Violation, so the Admin can take action...then that goes for others that make accusations about far as know, no one takes me at my word some other player broke a rule, then If you don't have the evidence about me breaking rules, it did not happen and you are just making stuff up (if i did it, it's super EZ to show the proof...being too lazy to clip & ship it, is not an excuse), just like I have to show my proof about others violations.

Let me be very frank....this is the game plan for 95% of my videos...I can't kill Major and even tho he not actually breaking any rules, I don't agree how he plays, I'll pretend to be super admin and make him play the way I want him to play, so I'll switch teams and TK him or grief him...Then all I have to do is document and share.

To address the TK acausations...Show the evidence, that simple. Also, not every TK are just going to get TK's on harcore servers, it's BF4 and thats just facts...I like to Mortar on certain maps, and pay special attention to NOT accidentally TK, but every so offten I launch a Mortar on enemy when No teammate around, then while traveling in air, a teammate spawns on that Flag when my enemy target was (obj after i launched it before my teammate spawned) and they get hit, I feel real bad and ALWAYS appolgize and say sorry...even worse, they might be squad leasder and just before my lortar land, they also spawn on there newly spawned squad leader and get Nuked by my mortar, so it "looks" like i TK 3, 4 or 5 teammates, when actually, they were not even there when I initially fired on the's BF4 Hardcore, not all TK are INT....Show the footage, EZ!

My response video is finished processing on YouTube...for some reason, it took 3.5 hrs tonight, even tho it's edited and only 8 mins....the full footage from this round was 45 mins, that would have taken like, 20 hrs to complete.

YouTube Video Link for recorded evidence:


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So. After discussing with other members, It has come to the conclusion that neither of you are in the clear here.

First off - Wiggly. You have no right to interfere with how another player plays the game. If they wish to sit in uncap and Mortar, Ucav, AA, Rocket Truck. Etc. They are allowed to do that, it is built into our rules. If you were on the opposing team and wanted to attack the person shooting out of Uncap. Fair game. We would also appreciate it if you were to submit more than just 1 short 5 second clip that did not tell the full story. Best that anyone can give us is a full video, With timestamps in the description or the report so we can quickly find the valuable evidence but also skim the rest of the match or other gameplay for things that would justify your gameplay. We can understand if you only have a 15 Second clip because that is how your recording software is setup and we accommodate for that. However based on Major420's video we can see that your clip is not truthful. For that reason, Your ban will stay. That being said it is only for a few days and is not permanent as this is your first strike on our servers.

Major420. Even though you are being griefed and teamkilled by another player intentionally does not justify you teamkilling yourself. Be the bigger person. Build the evidence, Build a report and report them. Don't sink down to others' level and teamkill yourself. Not only does it make you look bad but it makes us look bad if we are to come to the wrong conclusions via these reports.

Quit messing around with each other and just play the game. If you don't like how others play then ignore them. Its a team game. 1 player playing how they want to isn't going to ruin it. The objective is to kill the other team... Capture points. Ya know, Battlefield.

In the future if we are to see another report on either one of you. Further action will be taken which could lead to longer bans or permanent bans from this server. I hope this is clear. We do not tolerate this and all of us would rather just be enjoying the game instead of having to deal with things such as this.

I would also like to call out on @Irish and @St. Ides for their takes on this if they would like to add anything.

SRQea...well said and I agree 100%...I will take your advice and do better.​

I'm very sorry you had to deal with this whole mess, I only make a point to post my evidence to help your Clan/Servers run w/o rule breakers and with the true intent, to be fun for all.​

Take care and Happy Holidays to Everyone, Including WigglyCabbage :)