Players In Game Name dewchuckler
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60HZ | NAVAL STRIKE + WATER MAPS |
What is your in game name? VespaVolo
Date and time approximately August 8 @ ~11:50 PM EDT
Offense committed Generally toxic in chat, jet ramming enemy team and attempted jet ram against his own team.
Additional comments I called the guy out for jet ramming the other team a couple times and told him it was bannable on the Naval server. He took credit for doing it in the chat and said he would keep doing it. He didn't seem too concerned about a ban since he says he can just make a new account. He then proceeded to attempt to ram me while in the other jet while on his team. I have video and can upload it if necessary, but there is plenty of proof in the chat.
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60HZ | NAVAL STRIKE + WATER MAPS |
What is your in game name? VespaVolo
Date and time approximately August 8 @ ~11:50 PM EDT
Offense committed Generally toxic in chat, jet ramming enemy team and attempted jet ram against his own team.
Additional comments I called the guy out for jet ramming the other team a couple times and told him it was bannable on the Naval server. He took credit for doing it in the chat and said he would keep doing it. He didn't seem too concerned about a ban since he says he can just make a new account. He then proceeded to attempt to ram me while in the other jet while on his team. I have video and can upload it if necessary, but there is plenty of proof in the chat.