Reporting Battlefield 4 Player FilthhyGrub


Registered User
Jul 5, 2019
Players In Game Name FilthhyGrub

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60HZ | NAVAL STRIKE + WATER MAPS |

What is your in game name? Pedro_20_DCC

Date and time approximately Jun 12, 2023 6:50:56 pm

Offense committed Base Raping an empty server an said " Just a little fun", and this is one of the reasons why the server a dead.

Additional comments

Ok. These reports are starting to get kinda ridiculous. The server has like, 8 people in it. And you report a guy for just playing the game basically. You have like 3 other vehicles to play around with. And you manage to kill both the helicopters after you respawn.

What else is there to do on an empty server anyway than fuck around until it populates.

Chill out with the reports.

Also we would love to put seeders in Naval ya know. To populate it. So less of this bs happens.