Reporting Battlefield 4 Player GeekDucks

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Registered User
Jul 5, 2019
Players In Game Name GeekDucks

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60HZ | NAVAL STRIKE + WATER MAPS |

What is your in game name? Pedro_20_DCC

Date and time approximately Dec 21, 2021 6:00:34 pm

Offense committed Jet Ram - Committed to the ram and bailed at the end. Claimed in chat that he rammed, but hit me with actives first, He was in the Attack Jet configured with JDAMS. Around 2:50 on the video, you can see him swimming in the water after.

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So when someone who does not ram, apologizes for an accident that was unintentional, then you try and hold it above their head in chat while they try to get on with their life, you try to report it to vilify them. It was an accident, it happens.

Again I'm sorry it happened, but don't expect me to get on my knees apologizing to someone who has a fake superiority complex and spends more time wasting everyone's time with B.S. reporting when I'm only able to play once every couple month. Some things have changed over the past couple month for the better, you however seem to still be within you own cesspool of misery.

I can get a video of my end when I get back on my desktop at home but I won't be there until after Christmas and even then I have to get back to work starting Christmas night. If anyone has any questions let me know, hit me on discord probably the best way to get me to respond while I'm spending time with family for once.
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