Reporting Battlefield 4 Player magicmq


Registered User
Mar 16, 2022
Players In Game Name magicmq

Which Game? Battlefield 4


What is your in game name? TheFireBully

Date and time approximately 10pm 3/17/22 CST

Offense committed Possible Hacking/Cheating

Additional comments Player is getting Shot but is not taking damage. Player also has incredible accuracy. (Screenshot of fairplay)
Three things:

1. You are welcome to look at my skill and other stats over time and you can clearly see that as a player I have been consistently improving. This was not an abrupt and abnormal increase in skill, accuracy, or anything for that matter and I actually performed worse in this game than I have in others.

2. In the video, you allude to a "damage" sound you hear while spectating me but no loss of health. This is actually not me taking any damage. This happens in BF4 spectator mode for whatever reason and I do not know why. You would have seen this when spectating anyone else as well. I have uploaded a video demonstrating this phenomenon for your convenience:
. You can clearly hear this happening in the video when spectating multiple random players, and it is quite obvious that they are not actually taking damage. Again, I have no idea why this happens, but it does. Frankly, I didn't even need to make a video to demonstrate this: you can hear it happening in your own video when you spectate other players, but it seems like you were only fixated on incriminating me.

3. I have been a donator on TBG since June of 2020, which means that I have quite a significant amount of monetary investment in this server (and the clan in general). I enjoy what TBG does and that includes the time that moderators spend in reviewing reports like these to keep their servers free of hackers. I hope this at least adds a little credibility on my end.

If moderators would like any additional information from me, please reach out.
Three things:

1. You are welcome to look at my skill and other stats over time and you can clearly see that as a player I have been consistently improving. This was not an abrupt and abnormal increase in skill, accuracy, or anything for that matter and I actually performed worse in this game than I have in others.

2. In the video, you allude to a "damage" sound you hear while spectating me but no loss of health. This is actually not me taking any damage. This happens in BF4 spectator mode for whatever reason and I do not know why. You would have seen this when spectating anyone else as well. I have uploaded a video demonstrating this phenomenon for your convenience:
. You can clearly hear this happening in the video when spectating multiple random players, and it is quite obvious that they are not actually taking damage. Again, I have no idea why this happens, but it does. Frankly, I didn't even need to make a video to demonstrate this: you can hear it happening in your own video when you spectate other players, but it seems like you were only fixated on incriminating me.

3. I have been a donator on TBG since June of 2020, which means that I have quite a significant amount of monetary investment in this server (and the clan in general). I enjoy what TBG does and that includes the time that moderators spend in reviewing reports like these to keep their servers free of hackers. I hope this at least adds a little credibility on my end.

If moderators would like any additional information from me, please reach out.

I understand. Thanks for Clarification and sorry for the accusations I just felt it was somewhat conspicuous.
Three things:

1. You are welcome to look at my skill and other stats over time and you can clearly see that as a player I have been consistently improving. This was not an abrupt and abnormal increase in skill, accuracy, or anything for that matter and I actually performed worse in this game than I have in others.

2. In the video, you allude to a "damage" sound you hear while spectating me but no loss of health. This is actually not me taking any damage. This happens in BF4 spectator mode for whatever reason and I do not know why. You would have seen this when spectating anyone else as well. I have uploaded a video demonstrating this phenomenon for your convenience:
. You can clearly hear this happening in the video when spectating multiple random players, and it is quite obvious that they are not actually taking damage. Again, I have no idea why this happens, but it does. Frankly, I didn't even need to make a video to demonstrate this: you can hear it happening in your own video when you spectate other players, but it seems like you were only fixated on incriminating me.

3. I have been a donator on TBG since June of 2020, which means that I have quite a significant amount of monetary investment in this server (and the clan in general). I enjoy what TBG does and that includes the time that moderators spend in reviewing reports like these to keep their servers free of hackers. I hope this at least adds a little credibility on my end.

If moderators would like any additional information from me, please reach out.
I've yet to see you consistently improve, to be completely honest you've appeared pretty stagnant throughout the entirety I've seen you play. Consistent, unchanging, placid. And then of the 4 games I played with you tonight, randomly out of nowhere you become virtually unstoppable? That in itself is suspicious. The movements you were doing were Rickwin level suspicious, you prefireing before I'm even possibly visible on the map was suspicious. This was not your normal gameplay, I felt like I was watching Blaster play. And again even prior to the video of you being spectated, myself and others all said you weren't taking the normal amount of damage. Even with the perk taken into consideration it was taking considerably longer than usual to kill you. Longer time and more bullets to be specific. I myself witnessed this one two occasions where 2 deagle shots point blank definitely should have killed you, and then half a mag from my bullpup definitely should have killed you, but it didn't. Also the video you have here is of other players, myself included, what is the point of that? How does that help your case? Now you've stated prior that you donate to this server so I expect that this matter will be swiftly kicked under the rug. That doesn't change the fact that this wasn't your normal gameplay nor normal mechanics of the actual game itself. I could care what you say about that. I've played this game long enough to KNOW when people are not utilizing in game normal mechanics and when people aren't being legit. Quite frankly I'm disappointed, I never once had you on my radar before considering how relatively ok of a player you've been since I've seen you on Tbg. This wasn't it.
I've yet to see you consistently improve, to be completely honest you've appeared pretty stagnant throughout the entirety I've seen you play. Consistent, unchanging, placid. And then of the 4 games I played with you tonight, randomly out of nowhere you become virtually unstoppable? That in itself is suspicious. The movements you were doing were Rickwin level suspicious, you prefireing before I'm even possibly visible on the map was suspicious. This was not your normal gameplay, I felt like I was watching Blaster play. And again even prior to the video of you being spectated, myself and others all said you weren't taking the normal amount of damage. Even with the perk taken into consideration it was taking considerably longer than usual to kill you. Longer time and more bullets to be specific. I myself witnessed this one two occasions where 2 deagle shots point blank definitely should have killed you, and then half a mag from my bullpup definitely should have killed you, but it didn't. Also the video you have here is of other players, myself included, what is the point of that? How does that help your case? Now you've stated prior that you donate to this server so I expect that this matter will be swiftly kicked under the rug. That doesn't change the fact that this wasn't your normal gameplay nor normal mechanics of the actual game itself. I could care what you say about that. I've played this game long enough to KNOW when people are not utilizing in game normal mechanics and when people aren't being legit. Quite frankly I'm disappointed, I never once had you on my radar before considering how relatively ok of a player you've been since I've seen you on Tbg. This wasn't it.
The video I posted was simply to demonstrate that the effect you saw in the video of me appearing to get hit but take no damage was not anything suspicious at all and happens to everyone when viewing players in spectator mode.

I would love to give you an answer as to how I suddenly appeared to massively improve in skill, but I honestly am at a loss for words as to how this was the case. You can check my past battle reports; a lot of them are better than this. I also don't exactly trust your authority to comment on what should and shouldn't happen in game under normal/abnormal circumstances. Don't take that personally.
I would love to give you an answer as to how I suddenly appeared to massively improve in skill, but I honestly am at a loss for words as to how this was the case. You can check my past battle reports; a lot of them are better than this. I also don't exactly trust your authority to comment on what should and shouldn't happen in game under normal/abnormal circumstances. Don't take that personally.
Well I guess it doesn't quite matter anyway. I don't expect this matter to be further discussed let alone investigated. That's just the way it is in this server with donors.
Well I guess it doesn't quite matter anyway. I don't expect this matter to be further discussed let alone investigated. That's just the way it is in this server with donors.
Baseless claims don't get you very far. Go figure.
Baseless claims don't get you very far. Go figure.
And paying the people who are meant to fairly investigate these matters gets you VERY far. Also when multiple people are actively saying the same thing and witnessing you do it I suppose that's what's considered baseless in this server?
And paying the people who are meant to fairly investigate these matters gets you VERY far. Also when multiple people are actively saying the same thing and witnessing you do it I suppose that's what's considered baseless in this server?
Dude, it's rash to think that the reason why I started donating almost 2 full years ago was to somehow spawn a "protective aura" around me that warded off punishment completely. There is absolutely no evidence to support the fact that I began hacking at any point since then. My improvement in the game has been completely organic and natural.