Reporting Battlefield 4 Player MalkoN-82


Registered User
Jun 13, 2021
Players In Game Name MalkoN-82

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60HZ | BF2 & BF3 MAPS + SILK |

What is your in game name? Sgt.GoodGaming

Date and time approximately 10:40pm

Offense committed Player Attacking RU base when they don't have all Flags.

Additional comments Footage captured on Live-Stream, Clip of video here:
Even if one team captures all flags, doesn't give them the right to base camp. Still gotta give the losing team a chance to get out.

This player specifically seems to just be a dick and has earned a timeout.
Even if one team captures all flags, doesn't give them the right to base camp. Still gotta give the losing team a chance to get out.

This player specifically seems to just be a dick and has earned a time

Even if one team captures all flags, doesn't give them the right to base camp. Still gotta give the losing team a chance to get out.

This player specifically seems to just be a dick and has earned a timeout.
If only people would read the rules, Pretty sure they do or don't and just wanna cause problems til they get sent to the corner or out with a boot