Reporting Battlefield 4 Player No Name Multiple People


Registered User
Jul 26, 2023
Players In Game Name No Name Multiple People

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC |

What is your in game name? Kryptonist13

Date and time approximately 12:08

Offense committed Abusing Surrender

Additional comments Started spamming abuse before we even deployed

Well I guess I brought that upon myself lol. Everyone that I saw in there do it received a 3 day temporary ban. If they appeal We can get the point across, if they don't it will just get extended the next time I see it.
Well I guess I brought that upon myself lol. Everyone that I saw in there do it received a 3 day temporary ban. If they appeal We can get the point across, if they don't it will just get extended the next time I see it.
You see my point this happens every day every round! And if people are spamming on Squad or Team chat its harder to pinpoint who's spamming it
The command still gets used for its intended use. So like I said before, Continue to report and we will continue to ban people for it. Eventually the message will get across. Also if you ping me in the discord - I am Dan. I can yell at people through console when it happens.