Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Pedro_20_DCC


Registered User
Mar 22, 2021
Players In Game Name Pedro_20_DCC

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60HZ | NAVAL STRIKE + WATER MAPS |

What is your in game name? HypeCpt

Date and time approximately 10th July 21:40CET

Offense committed Shooting TVs from uncap 2 times in a row
Watch in the beginning where i spawn in his boat and I insta get 2 assists while we are right next to our own hangar the video link.

Additional comments This guy is literally reporting every person he sees doing this but he also does it himself.
I saw him do this on the previous boat as well but did not record, yet figured he would do it again on the next boat he would spawn in.

It appears you missed this rule change enacted over a month ago, which reverts back to our previous ruleset where shooting from the uncap is allowed again. If they shoot out, you can attack the guy shooting out, but not guys just leaving spawn.