Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Rakikimo


Registered User
Feb 7, 2025

Players In Game Name Rakikimo

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? Battlefield 4 - Metro 24/7

What is your in game name? BrunoRockport

Date and time approximately Today, every day, every match

Offense committed This player continuously offends other players, calling them (including myself) "faggots", dogs, giving them prejudicial orders like he's in a superior race. He calls me by my name, trying really hard to bring me into a fight or something just because I either used a shotgun or didn't reply his sarcastic and aggressive questions. I never responded, I usually close the chat instead. But it's annoying to know I can't really use the chat because he is there, all the time, seeking attention and trying to offend others.

Additional comments This has been happening for several days now, I honestly do not understand why this is tolerated. By the way, I created the account in this forum specifically for sending this report.