Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Sonimx


Registered User
Jun 13, 2021
Players In Game Name Sonimx

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? Battlefield 4 - Bf2/Bf3 map server- second assault - conquest maps

What is your in game name? Sgt.GoodGaming

Date and time approximately 1/18/2025 Approximately 5:20PM EST

Offense committed Griefing

Additional comments I had observed the chat and spawned in a tank, looked to my left and observed This player pushing another who was in the AA, According to the victim of this griefing incident, the victim had jumped into the AA before "Sonimx" did. I actively tried to push Sonimx away from the victim so they could play the game. I will post the video Evidence soon
Video Evidence, I did try to take Sonimx's attention away from "Vadel" who was the victim of this Griefing, tried to push Sonimx away so the other could actually try and play the game.

I admin killed him this go because he wasn't doing anything but I did warn him
I admin killed him this go because he wasn't doing anything but I did warn him
Sounds good, Should be a good warning for him but, I will keep an eye out for this individual and file a new report should he continue griefing or etc that he shouldn't be doing that breaks the rules