Players In Game Name xanderofszki
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60HZ | BF2 & BF3 MAPS + SILK |
What is your in game name? JoeBidenLikesMen
Date and time approximately 7/8/2021 2:15 EST
Offense committed Jet ramming. around 8 times. he did it every time i got the attack heli and he did not.
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Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60HZ | BF2 & BF3 MAPS + SILK |
What is your in game name? JoeBidenLikesMen
Date and time approximately 7/8/2021 2:15 EST
Offense committed Jet ramming. around 8 times. he did it every time i got the attack heli and he did not.
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