Reporting Battlefield 4 Player ZabuzaDontMiss


Registered User
Nov 1, 2022
Players In Game Name ZabuzaDontMiss

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC |

What is your in game name? ComeAndSee

Date and time approximately 5:57 PM EST 11/13/2022

Offense committed Stole my LAV while I was repairing

Additional comments
Unfortunately, it may be rude, annoying and toxic but there is nothing in the rules about doing this.
Sorry. Just have to deal with it and move on.

I recommend getting yourself away from the action ( if you can ) and repairing.
Isn't this the definition of toxic player though?View attachment 19438
There is a certain level of toxicity we begin to enforce on. Battlefield, Call of duty, Rainbow six Siege, etc. Have always had "Toxic" chats, People yelling at eachother, calling them names and being generally rude and annoying have always been a thing.

When it takes a turn and the chat starts to effect other players gameplay, For example if a player begins to spam chat or is constantly spouting hateful speech towards other groups or making the entire server hate them for talking would be when we would step in.

However a player just telling you to quit whining or saying "Thanks for the LAV" isn't really toxic.