Reporting Battlefield 4 Player zRaidenn-__


Registered User
Aug 2, 2024
Players In Game Name zRaidenn-__

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? Battlefield 4 - Bf2/Bf3 map server- second assault - conquest maps

What is your in game name? Madman0529

Date and time approximately 11/30/24 11:17pm Central Time

Offense committed Griefing

Additional comments ryry and I were using the TOW launcher to take out the heli and [1Z]Squidlo1 was in it on the other team. Afterward, [1Z]zRaidenn-__ began destroying the TOW to keep us from using it and what I'm guessing is give his platoon member(Squidlo) on the other team an unfair advantage. I'm unsure if Squidlo knew it, but it was annoying nonetheless. He did it once or twice to me and once to ryry. I only recorded the last one as I finally caught on to what he was doing with the same platoon tags. I called him out in chat for griefing and he then played dumb as well. Audio is also missing as Nvidia Shadowplay likes to bug out on me randomly.
I left this out too, but here is the battle report of the match:

3 Day Temp for this player given circumstances, hopefully they see this and cool it with the toxicity and griefing.