Reporting player(s)
Game BF3
The name of the server 24/7 Karkand
Date/time: 10/22/2013 1600 hours Mountain Time
Player(s) name DG1M
Offense committed Suspicious Activity
Steam ID -
Evidence While playing today I noticed DG1M was constantly head shooting me while on the move and several times right after spawning inside a building and popping out. I thought it was odd so I'll let you all check it out. I believe he finished 60-15 which isn't too bad, but what got me was when viewing his history I noticed on 10/17/2013 his headshots were at 1776 and now on 10/22/2013 they're at 2132. That's 356 head shots in a matter of days. I haven't ran a server in quite awhile, but it's stuff like this that made me watch or review people. I'll leave it up to you folks. Time played in that span shows to be over 5 hours.
Comments Thanks for your time and the fun server. Hopefully you'll be running a BF4 server.