Reporting player(s)


Registered User
Mar 3, 2011
Reporting player(s)
The name of the server
Karkand Infantry Only
He was on 05-30-11 don't remember the time
Player(s) name
Offense committed
Not sure but he runs around and seems to know where everyone is.
Don't have any, just seems wanky.
Played with him and against him, zoomed in and watched him while I was in command - he scores at 7.9 per minute over 25 hours in the server, that's really high.
i remember this guy. He made a ban appeal here but we lifted it because according to pbbans his priors are not his. But if you can grab a footage of him and post it that will be helpful.
i'll try to next time I see him. I know that most of the outright hackers you guys get.... as things stand there are only 5 guys that play on your bf2 karkand that have any real hours (haven't been banned) that average 5.5 points per minute or more... BYO 7.9/25.63hrs, =ATCK=K-Closer 6.51/39.45hrs , ****1st.Royal_Derrex 5.93/37.52hrs , newcomer0232 5.79/97.52 and [GoD] JaeKung 5.6/22.05hrs

I know there are a lot of really good legit players and i'm not saying these guys are not legit but 5+ ppm is really hard to maintain over the long haul...

Sry to waste your time with this rambling...
This was a guy I banned due to priors last week. I banned him in CC by hash.
mac as fast said those are not his ban's we even went as far as check with pbbans. i questioned his game play as well and the reason i baned after reviewing his pbbans. but cleared him due to the data not being him and pbbans saying the same thing.
OK, I still think he was awfully sketchy. That is what prompted my looking him up.