Reporting player(s)
Game bf3
The name of the server | 24/7 AIR MAPS 1000 TICKET | NO LAG United States Conquest Large ? Caspian Border
Date/time: 1800-200 kharg island 1/23/12
Player(s) name [5010]OldE23
Offense committed Cheating/Padding
Evidence was told you guys have chat logs, He straight up said in team chat that I was not supposed to shoot anywere near the enemy chopper as he was his friend and they worked out a deal, when i shot at him he would spin the heli around so nothing could be shot.
Comments I eventually did cave and go with him, just so i could play, after he killed me and himself a couple of times. NOTE: the whole time 5010 on the other team never once engaged us, Personally I believe hacks, or vent, as he never went after OLDe23