Reporting player(s)
Game CSS
The name of the server [DEATHMATCH] [24/7 DUST2] [TBGCLAN.COM] [NO LAG] [HLSTATSX]
Date/time: 7/22/2013 12:00 AM (-05:00 GMT) EST
Player(s) name [H*K*Z] Fatal
Offense committed Aimbotting, wall hacking bhop scripts
EvidenceComments This guy was a horrible hacker, but a hacker none the less.
Next time I find one of these guys, for the evidence should I .zip or .rar the demo, or should I make .wmv and post it on youtube for you guys?
Next time I find one of these guys, for the evidence should I .zip or .rar the demo, or should I make .wmv and post it on youtube for you guys?