Reporting player(s)


Registered User
Dec 7, 2010
Reporting player(s)
Battlefield 2
The name of the server
Karkand IO
11/27 2:56PM EST
Player(s) name
007 eros2006(PID 108562331), Patriot(Aut)11(PID 103368664)
Offense committed
Both of these guys were glitching inside the Hotel. I don't have direct screen shot but if you check chat logs you can confirm.
Mitch, 007Eros and his bud 007patriot are banned already. I got them last week.

Also there is no need to make a new thread. If you have a long list with "exemplary" players just put everything into a single thread.
It is much easier for us to keep track and follow up on them. Thank you!

Appreciate all the help!

ps: Love the blondie.:)
Mega, I will keep that in mind when reporting future violators. I am not going to bother reporting all the C4 roofers from the past week as that would involve uploading some 60 plus screen shots, however I do have one more hotel glitcher I want to report.

Player Name:[RUS]AleXX
Player PID: 298798890
Date & Time: Dec 1st 4:45PM EST
Server: karkand IO
Offence: Glitching
Screen shot: Pictures by mitchncincy - Photobucket

*If screen shot isn't enough proof check BF2CC chat logs to confirm.
Thank you again!

The vast majority of the aimbotters have priors at pbbans or GGC so it is relatively easy for us to catch them with a little due diligence.

Glitchers on the other hand are the most difficult as some of them have no priors. Also the window to catch them is small if the fight moves away from hotel. I cannot tell you how many times I went in to scope them- but they moved on already. I never ban without irrefutable proof - so it is a bit frustrating at times.

If you see glitchers again please alt+tab from the game and post in the chat box. That is the fastest way to get results. I am not sure if you know this but alt+tab only works if you turn off AA in the video settings. There is a fix for that on the net - but I am wary of modifying any of my files.