Reporting PsychoticSa1nt BF4


Registered User
Mar 5, 2014
Hello TBG,

I have been playing on your BF4: SA server for quite a while now, and this player by the ID of PsychoticSa1nt is most definitely cheating. I have posted my case below on how I have determined this.

1. He has banned from GSN, which is most likely the same person as the report.

2. On his Cheat Score is almost 85%.

3. His statistics on his profile are ridicules.

He has logged 64 hours and 53 minutes as I am writing this, and has a 3.07kdr with 5,691 kills total.

His top weapon is the is the SRR-61 with a 1.91kpm, and has 45.48% accuracy.

With that there is more on his profile, but those are the major points that I am seeing.

4. A Battlelogs I have played with him in the round. (He joined late, probably about half way through.)
(52 - 12)

Thank you all for your time and everyone have a wonderful day!
Hey there,

Thanks for coming by with your report, I joined the game and banned him for abnormal HSKR, I especially agree with the SAR stats.

Thanks again

Thank you very much for your promptness! I am always happy to assist in finding cheaters as it ruins the game.

Have a great night! Nice game in Firestorm 2014, although you got the first kill on me in that jet with the laser guided missile :p
I saw this guy when he was around a level 14 he split after the round. I believe it was the prison map whatever its called. His stats weren't that good then but his score was and people were talking about him hacking.