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Retired Founder
Jan 2, 2008
I accidentally deleted the thread. Was trying to delete a post:

Registered Member #993
Joined: Mon May 04 2009, 04:26PM
Posts: 1
Hello there TBG,

I am a 2142 gamer and of a more mature age (42) I am also a Snr Admin to large Uk Clan..My game name for the evening was ZERO-DEFEX an alternate profile i use when i need to take a break from the sitting on servers and doin my admin duties...I have played your friendly server on several occasions and had a great time BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 00.42 5th of May you over zealous Admin Cjjeans obviously didn't know how to conduct himself? As he got in the gunship i joined him to be a gunner and was met with "get out" ,"get out" "get out" "get out" "get out" "get out" . Nobody else was waiting so i saw no logic i asked for a "please at the very least", this was met with a " I F**KING TOLD YOU 10 TIMES" "GET OUT", Then i was punkbusted for the event.. If i ever caught my responsible admin team talking to ANYBODY like that they would be warned and stripped of there responsibilities...I was unaware that your members had priority over vehicles and searched everywhere on your site?
I am in my 10th year of gaming and 4th of the bf franchise and have never made any complaints about anything.But here's some friendly advice .DO NOT EVER ABUSE THE PUBLIC WITH BAD LANGUAGE at any cost. It does nothing for your name or clan.....

Please don't take this as a rant, but being a Snr Admin and taking sh*t myself most of the time i guess it was the right time to bite back, Our clan members are warned that our servers are PUBIC so everone is treated the same....We have training nights if we wanna own ALL the hardware.

Besides all that, Thanks for the times i have played along side some of you..


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