Rising Storm and TS


Registered User
Feb 3, 2014
Hello all, I get on the TBG server and I can hear players talking but I can not seem to be able to talk back to them, any help?

also, when I get on the TS here and play, there is nobody on.

so, does everybody just use the voice chat provided ingame, and not bother with the TS here?
I would recommend going into to the rust channel or one with less people.

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I would perhaps double check you key binds -

and also there is a bind for team chat + all chat - so make sure you have the team chat one binded
thanks guy's, I found the problem lastnite, must be my advanced years of age, I used the wrong key before, got it for ingame chat now.

But, I guess RS is not very popular because I do not see anybody on TBG's TS channel dedicated for RS,
Rs is not our primary game but you could join almost every channel in ts and meet the rest of the crew
ok, will try to find a game of mutual interest.....lol....no problem
We're pretty laid back on teamspeak. Don't be shy about jumping into a channel even if you're not playing the game in question. People will happily let you know if they're in the middle of something tricky.
its not about being shy, I just thought that there were members playing RO2/RS and possibly RO 1 that I could team up with here, Rust ,Day Z and the Battlefield series at this time do not interest me for now, so .........

give a spot to somebody that play's those games.
but I will keep coming on your server, its a good one........thanks