Rising Tide (Reserved Slots maybe?)

Mother Goose

Registered User
May 28, 2013
Hey Guys,

I really enjoy playing on the TBG server for rising tide. Just donated to support it. I would love to see an option for getting reserved slots, or something along those lines. TBG is the only server I use, and it is almost always full (which is awesome). I don't know if it is the server or game, but it seems to attract a lot of mature team oriented players. You never hear screaming teenies, or see teabagging.

Is this something you guys might be interested in setting up?(reserved slots).

I haven't gotten to meet most of you yet, but have played with a couple of you guys, and enjoyed it. Supporting the server is something I am interested in doing, so I may have to submit an application to join you guys.

-Mother Goose
I'll take a look when I come back from dying.

Still sick.

Thank you for the donation.
You should definitely consider applying to the group. I think you would fit in.