Rush Mechanics in BF3 vs BC2


Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
What do you guys think, I have played it a few times and have not been able to get into it. Its kinda funny, we all loved rush in BC2 and never played much conquest after we stopped running 24/7 Atacama. I played rush mode on Operation Firestorm. What do you guys think went wrong? Maybe its just the mechanics of the game, I never played BF2 that much, did they have a rush? Maybe it just does not work with BF3 because its more based off BF2 than BC2. Thoughts?

PS. This has nothing to do with anything TBG is running on our servers and the decisions made what modes to run.
I love it, only thing is finding a decent 64 man rush hardcore server. 32 seems to be the sweet spot as far as lag goes, hopefully this gets fixed with patches/vid drivers/magic. People are still learning the maps, and I think the amount of non Battlefield players has a little something to do with it as well. Still fun imo :)

Also, the more I play, the more this game seems like the bastard child of 2142/BC2 than BF2. Not a bad thing, necessarily.
Yeah the mechanics are shit compared to BC2, very clunky troop movement. Also a lot of motion blur even with the motion blur turned off. I will hold off on saying this is for sure the game until I finish upgrading my computer, but the way your player navigates the map is ass regardless of how smooth the computer plays the game. Really don't care for the way your player jumps walls, fences or servers...
Yeah the mechanics are shit compared to BC2, very clunky troop movement. Also a lot of motion blur even with the motion blur turned off. I will hold off on saying this is for sure the game until I finish upgrading my computer, but the way your player navigates the map is ass regardless of how smooth the computer plays the game. Really don't care for the way your player jumps walls, fences or servers...
Yeah, that and I don't like how clunky the mouse feels or how zoomed-out the UI is. I've noticed that the mouse seems sporadic: in BC2, I could turn left then right and end up in about the same place. In BF3, I get "stuck" or seriously over-turn which takes a moment to adjust. I don't know what they changed but I'd love the same UI scale and 1st person feel from BC2.