Safari and IE8 get shamed at Pwn2Own


Ban Manager/Moderator
Apr 19, 2009
Safari and IE8 get shamed at Pwn2Own, Chrome still safe... for now

By Tim Stevens posted Mar 10th 2011 7:56AM

Ahead of the most recent Pwn2Own, Google made a rather proud challenge: it'd pay $20,000 to any team or individual who could successfully hack Chrome. Two takers signed up for that challenge -- and then both backed down. One individual didn't show up and a second entry, known as Team Anon, decided to focus their efforts elsewhere. There's still time left for someone to come out of the woodwork and scrape off that polish, but as of now no brave souls have registered intent. Meanwhile, IE8 was taken down by Stephen Fewer, who used three separate vulnerabilities to get out of Protected Mode and crack that browser's best locks. Safari running on a MacBook Air got shamed again, cracked in just five seconds. Not exactly an improvement compared to how it fared in 2008.
I love this hacking contest. That said its easier to make a browser that doesn't work, that alone is a security feature.... Im kidding I am sure it has come a long way. What fails is no one even had the balls to fail in public. It can and will be hacked just like everything else, might not get done soon enough for the cash though.

Toppling IE8... I hope it was just for fun, to brag about it would be embarrassing. Though the actual feat was not "easy".

I remember the 08 Air crack, I laughed so hard. Only apple could take a unix based operating system and put holes into it. Theyre false reputation is the exact opposite as we all know is more about interest then actual security. 08 was the year the red hat machine was ignored with people saying they could have done it but not worth their time.