San Francisco has come a long way


Registered User
Jul 25, 2015
since Ived been there. I dont think back in my day they had a online "human poop tracker system." This tracker is for people to report poop on the streets and alley's etc. Its not part of the city sanitation dept efforts. Got to love progress.
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Most people I know are going out of CA.

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The sad thing here is that this is such a big enough problem that it needs to be addressed. Progress would be not shitting, literally, all over the city in which you live.
Does the bigger blobs in the heat map indicate larger piles?

(And no... I had nothing to do with this...) Moo!!
I'm one of those moving from California this summer, is all goes well in selling the house. I live in the San Francisco Bay area. Beautiful area to live in, just very expensive. And yeah, the poop is not just in San Francisco, dogs and cats seem to love my front yard. Busted a pet owner letting her dog do his business in my yard...yeah, she had to clean it up...
The sad thing here is that this is such a big enough problem that it needs to be addressed. Progress would be not shitting, literally, all over the city in which you live.
Progress might be the asshole at Subway letting you use the rest room before your stomach infection causes you to shit all over their potato chip rack!
That's about all it is. Great weather. Shitty everything else.

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I seen a red fox in the woods this am I also seen the family of 5 deer that frequent this woods around me. Plus this time I seen a buck with them. I guess those animals shit in the woods so I guess I should map it and put it online.
@Cowbell Kevin tell us where you shit those massive piles at? Do you have a link to that map?
Here in TN in this county and others shit on someones property you'll most likely be looking down the barrel of a gun. If not shot. Way back in the woods here. "He needed killing still apply.