satellite picture Japan

This earthquake Japan had is going to set them back many years. We never know how quickly our lives can change. Our lives are much more fragile than we can even imagine.

On the nuclear side of it we probably haven't seen the worst of that yet.
Yep, agree. Our feeling of safeness can be switches rapidly. looking at the pictures, it's like you wake-up with nothing, no house, city, and you are lucky if you still have your life, without talking about your family....
And they have to deal with the nuclear reactor now....

Guess that my problems aren't really big problems.....
It's not just Japan. The world economy is going to feel some hit in one way or another. Stock prices are already dropping. >_>.
Someone may have posted this already. It is something to think about.

Japan — Worst Case is here now.

Written by on 15 March 2011

If you can leave Japan do so now. Tell your friends and relatives to get out ASAP.

When the 5 nuclear cores fully meltdown and the containment structures collapse there is going to be several explosions that throw hundreds of tons of deadly radioactive material into the air. It will be like a 1000 Hiroshima’s going off except without a big nuclear blast. Anybody within 100km of the debris cloud will most likely die within hours.

3 Days ago Japan’s nuclear crisis was portrayed as negligible and people were told not to worry. 12 hours ago 4 nuclear cores were in meltdown and the evacuation zone was enlarged to 30km. Very high radiation levels have been detected by US warships. The UN could take unilateral action and force the evacuation of tens of millions of people away from the nuclear sites but when have they ever done the right thing. As this crisis spins out of control the Powers That Be seem to be downplaying the immediate and immense danger to untold millions of people. None of this makes any sense. It’s hurricane Katrina all over again except on a much larger scale.

Honestly the Russians did a much better job in Chernobyl than what the authorities have done so far in this Japanese nuclear crisis.

President Obama and Prime Minister Harper should be fired tomorrow for not declaring a state of emergency in Western North America and getting the populace prepared for the worst case radioactive contamination coming our way.

I am sorry to report that central Japan will be lost. Radiation levels of 10,000 microsieverts an hour — more than 7,000 above the legal limit have been detected as far as 50 KM from the nuclear sites. This was 12 hours ago and levels are probably double that by now. Effectively 300km around the nuclear sites will be uninhabitable to 20+ years. The toll on Japan’s people will be unimaginable. No doubt this is now the greatest human disaster in history. Mass evacuations will most likely start within 2 days. At this point there is nothing that can be done except get people out of harms way. Japan was crippled by the massive quake and Tsunami and this nuclear disaster has put them over the edge.
